spa parties

Print Gift Cards

Need a quick gift? Create a personalized Serenity gift card ready to print and share. Choose a spa to begin.

Old Town • Print a Gift Card

Tenley • Print a Gift Card

Worldgate • Print a Gift Card

Serenity Experience

Email Gift Cards

Need to send a gift right now? Create a stylish email gift card that's immediately sent to your special someone. It's a fast, easy way to send Serenity near or far. Choose a spa to begin.

Old Town • Email a Gift Card

Tenley • Email a Gift Card

Worldgate • Email a Gift Card

email a gift card

Call Us

Need help choosing a gift? Let our service consultants help you select the perfect treatments for an unforgettable spa experience. Call us now for assistance.

Old Town • 703.549.9212

Tenley • 202.362.2560

Worldgate • 703.709.6596